National College „Doamna Stanca” –beetween tradition and modernity. 
A history of a highschool filled with tradition and culture imposes a prestige which cannot fade away. The existance of a school cannot be described in some lines and more less its achievements and perspectives. Situated on one of the oldest streets of the town Satu Mare, known from the period between the two World Wars as „The Theoretical Highschool Doamna Stanca”, the actual college is considered since its foundation as one of the most important cultural places of this part of the country.
The existing documents of the town`s archives recongnise the quality of the building as an architectonical monument in which the college functions. Build in 1814 from the beginning, in this building functioned a Roman- Catholic Highschool and a preparatory school for teachers and in 1919 „The Normal School for Girls” was founded. In 1931 the highschool got the name „ Doamna Stanca”, the name of Mihai Viteazul`s wife, who passed the places of Satu Mare with his troops.
Imposing building which extended and modernised its space according to the needs, the highschool offers today a didactical-material basis on the highest level. In 26 classrooms, three special cabinets and 4 laboratories, 800 students learn, taught with professionalism and competence by 52 teachers. The school has a library (having more than 30 000 books), two sports rooms, two sports courts, equipments of the latest generation.
Having a good preparation, the students of the college take part in school contests, communicative sessions, cultural-artistic manifestations, sport competitions every year. The results are impressive and due to the common effort of the teachers and their disciples, who are aware of the fact that „the road towards success is climbed through patience and work.
Those who graduated the National College „Doamna Stanca” formed their personality in universities from the country and also from abroad becoming the treasures of the noble work of teachers and not a few of them chose the job as a teacher.

Names (famosus echoes)…

“Doamna Stanca”highschool for girls
The Highschool for general knowledge no. 3
The Phylology-History School
The Theoretical Highschool „Doamna Stanca “
National College “Doamna Stanca”

Offering the students positive experiences, beautiful thoughts, an instructive-educative process at high levels of professional responsibility, the National Colege „Doamna Stanca” remains a permanent factor of culture and civilisations of our county.

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